Sunday 28 March 2010

Mini 1 - Now Were Rocking (and Rusting) - Can of Worms #1

While the engine was cold today I thought I would have a crack at adjusting the Valve Timing.  Normally a fairly simple task.  However after removing the Rocker Cover, I was greeted by a grim looking sight.
It seems that the engine has been left for a long time in a damp atmosphere and resulted in the adjustment screws on cylinder 2 to rust solid.  
As you will see  in the pictures it's pretty messy.  There is a thick layer of carbon deposit which has probably lead tot he blocking of oil distribution.  The actual rockers are the original ones that were later replaced with more reliable cast ones.
First thing I did was to remove the Rocker Shaft.  After closer inspection the actual shaft was badly worn and needs replacing also.

Replacing with a new set of originals is not possible as the presser style rockers were replaced with cast ones.  To buy the cast ones new would be quite expensive so some eBay skills were required to secure a replacement second hand set. £12 later and hey presto I have some.  Just hope it fits ok now.

Note:  Always read instructions......  When removing the bolts for the Rocker Shaft you may notice water leaking from the head.  That's because you just removed the head bolts..  Doh!
Head off time!!!!

Got all the new parts.  New studs and gaskets all round.  Hopefully should help the afternoon job to get the engine running a bit easier.

Head back on and rocker shaft carefully lowered in place.  New washers and nuts added to the new studs.  All with a twist of Torque Wrench and hey presto it looks a bit like there is finally an end to the task.  Back to the task I initially intended to do and correct the Valve Timings. 
Also notice the new Thermostat Housing.  Let's just say Club Hammer 1 - Old Stuck Thermostat 0. :)

Final stretch not too bad.
With a bit of added paint to brighten up a couple of rusty parts.  Filled with water (remember to add coolant later!!).  All electrics connected and time to shut my eyes and turn the key.
Eyes shut......  Turn the key.....  Vrrrooom!   Started first time. :)

Sunday 21 March 2010

The Brazilian Job

Welcome to the new home for Project "The Brazilian Job". It a bit like the "The Italian Job" 1969 in the fact that it involves 4 Austin Mini's that will all be put in a lorry to transport across the sea. However it doesn't involve bank job's and the cars will all be shipped to Brazil. Hence the name change. With any luck it won't involve 'Blowing the Bloody Doors Off' either. :)

See the new website: