Saturday 3 September 2011

Mini's Finally Imported In Brazil - 139 Days Late! [Mini Finalmente importados no Brasil - 139 dias de atraso!]


[en] We have the cars!!!!  We can't drive them yet though as we need to apply for the registration plates.  More bureaucratic paperwork fun I'm sure.

A long time since our last post. 139 painful days!!! With additional costs the same as the debt for a small country.
We will add a post later titled "How 'Not' to Import a Classic Car in to Brazil".  It basically involves 'not' picking a company with experience of Importing cars in to Brazil. And the company then let all of the documentation expire before they arrive with the ship, resulting in the cars being imported without permission, a fine, a huge parking bill and repeating all the process to get the documentation approved again!

Will add more pictures later.

[pt] Temos os carros!! Não pudemos dirigi-los  pois ainda precisamos aplicar para as placas e licenciamento. Mais papelada burocrática para nos divertir, eu tenho certeza.

Ja algum tempo desde a nossa última mensagem. 139 dias dolorosos! Com custos adicionais, quase o mesmo que a dívida de um país pequeno. rs...

  Vamos adicionar mais informacoes mais tarde intitulado "Como 'Não' importar um carro clássico no Brasil". Basicamente involve 'não' pegar uma empresa com experiência de importação de carros no Brasil. E a companhia então deixa toda a documentação expirar antes do carro chegar de navio, resultando em carros importados sem permissão! Multa, conta enorme de estacionamento e repetir todo o processo para obter a documentação aprovada de novo!

Vamos adicionar mais fotos depois.

Saturday 16 April 2011

One Small Step for Man. One Giant Leap For Mini Kind!!!

The Mini's finally arrived in Santos on Sunday 10th April.  The containers were removed from the ship on Monday and today the cars were removed from the containers.  (they needed the container back).
We're still a long way from getting the cars in our possession.  The cars still have to be checked by customs, but hopefully with a wink and a special handshake it won't be too much trouble.   Will keep the blog updated when we have news and hopefully some pictures.
Even when we get the cars, the fun is not over....  We stil have to get them registered with Brazilian number plates.   Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 7 April 2011

Not Long Now!!! The Cars Have Reached Brazil

The ship has been off the radar for a few days while it passed Africa.  Now the ship has arrived in Rio De Janeiro.  The next stop should be Santos.  Fingers crossed!

Saturday 2 April 2011

The Brazilian Job - Mini Shipping March 2011

The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 11The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 1The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 2The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 3The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 4The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 5
The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 6The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 7The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 8The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 9The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 10The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 12
The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 13The Brazilian Job Shipping Tilbury 14

Here are some pictures from Blake at All Minis when the Minis were delivered to Tilbury Port for Stuffing in the containers ready for shipping.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Mini Shipping - Third Port of Call (Terceiro e Proxima Parada) - Dakar, Senegal

Now the Mini's are all on the way to the Third destination. Dakar in Senegal. Maybe for some rallying?

See link below for their latest status.

[Agora os Minis estão todos a caminho para o terceiro destino/parada. Dakar, no Senegal. Talvez para participar de alguns ralis?
Veja o link abaixo para o seu estado mais recente.]

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Mini Shipping - Second Port of Call (Porto Segunda Parada) - Le Havre, France

Now the Mini's are all on the way to the second destination.  Le Havre in France.
See link below for their latest status.

[Agora o do Mini estão todos no caminho para o segundo destino. Le Havre, na França.

Veja o link abaixo para o seu estado mais recente.]

Sunday 20 March 2011

Mini Shipping - First Port of Call (Primeiro Porto de Escala) - Antwerp

The Mini's have finally set off on their journeys today.  First destination is Antwerp. :)

Track there here:  Mini Tracking

Saturday 19 March 2011

The Last Steps - Os Últimos Passos (The Mugshots!!)

Meant to post these pics a couple of months ago....  Busy busy...  

Here are some pics that were taken for the Brazilian documentation.  We needed to prove that the cars are in fact 'Classic Cars' and in 'Collectors Condition'. 


Mini 2

