Wednesday 12 May 2010

Strip for a Fake Tan Application (aka Full Body Respray!)

Anyone for Fake Tan?  A nice shade of Orange?  Feel like a Tango?
First step is to get undressed then get prepared and finally get in the booth for a pray job.

So Mini 2 is about to go in for it's makeover.  The car with a hundred shades of orange and a minor case of acne rust bubbles finally gets it's kit off in preparation for the workshop.

I think she needs a nose job!!! A bit of prodding about found some of the rust has eaten a few holes on the front lower panel.  A bit of extra cost to get it welded up and looking like new.

The car is now off to the body shop to have it's welding completed.  Then it's off to another workshop to get the preparation work under way before it get's a shiny new coat.

In addition the car will not be getting a nice pimp style white top hat.  The cooper black was considered, but not such a good option in the hot climates!

Now the paint is complete.  From the pics it looks awesome.
This car will also be getting a new set of Stage 2 wheel arches.  Colour to be determined.
The car will also need some extra attention to complete.
A new set of carpets on order.

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